The Lit Lamp Weekly Bible Study Series - Ephesians 2

The Lit Lamp Weekly Bible Study Series

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

Psalm 119:105

King James Version (KJV)

Now you can have a quick, yet in-depth Bible Study session, during the week, with Dr. Edward L. Hall, courtesy of the internet.  Tune in and listen and follow along for Bible Study as you need it in the morning before work, during your lunch break, or ANYTIME! 

New and updated series topics will be added weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We kick off the Internet series with a study through the book of Ephesians.

So, please tune in at your earliest convenience and check back for frequent, fresh, new, and updated material; and also share with your family and friends!

Title Speaker Date Video Audio Sermon Notes Downloads
From Graveyard and Guilt -- Episode 1 Dr. Edward L. Hall 12/31/2013 Watch Notes

The Book of Ephesians - Session 2 - Chapter 2

"From Graveyard and Guilt" (EPISODE 1) -- Ephesians 2:1

From Graveyard and Guilt - Episode 2 Dr. Edward L. Hall 01/02/2014 Watch Notes

The Book of Ephesians - Session 2 - Chapter 2

"From Graveyard and Guilt" (EPISODE 2) -- Ephesians 2:2

From Graveyard and Guilt - Episode 3 Dr. Edward L. Hall 01/07/2014 Watch Notes

The Book of Ephesians - Session 2 - Chapter 2

"From Graveyard and Guilt" (EPISODE 3) -- Ephesians 2:3

To Grace To Glory Pt. I Dr. Edward L. Hall 01/09/2014 Watch Notes

The Book of Ephesians - Session 2 - Chapter 2

"To Grace To Glory" (Part I) -- Ephesians 2:4

To Grace To Glory - Part 2 Dr. Edward L. Hall 01/14/2014 Watch Notes

The Book of Ephesians - Session 2 - Chapter 2

"To Grace To Glory" (Part 2) -- Ephesians 2:4-5

To Grace To Glory - Part 3 Dr. Edward L. Hall 01/16/2014 Watch Notes

The Book of Ephesians - Session 2 - Chapter 2

"To Grace To Glory" (Part 3) -- Ephesians 2:6

"The Blood, The Body, and The Building" Dr. Edward L. Hall 01/21/2014 Watch Notes

The Book of Ephesians - Session 2 - Chapter 2

"The Blood, the Body, and the Building" -- Ephesians 2:7-11

"The Blood, The Body, and The Building" Dr. Edward L. Hall 01/23/2014 Watch Notes

The Book of Ephesians - Session 2 - Chapter 2

"The Blood, the Body, and the Building" -- Part 2 -- Ephesians 2:11-12

"The Blood, The Body, and The Building" -- Part 3 Dr. Edward L. Hall 01/28/2014 Watch Notes

The Book of Ephesians - Session 2 - Chapter 2

"The Blood, the Body, and the Building" -- Part 3 -- Ephesians 2:12-13

"The Blood, The Body, and The Building" -- Part 4 Dr. Edward L. Hall 01/30/2014 Watch Notes

The Book of Ephesians - Session 2 - Chapter 2

"The Blood, the Body, and the Building" -- Part 4 -- Ephesians 2:14-16

"The Blood, the Body, and the Building" -- Part 5 Dr. Edward L. Hall 02/04/2014 Watch Notes

The Book of Ephesians - Session 2 - Chapter 2

"The Blood, the Body, and the Building" -- Part 5 -- Ephesians 2:17-18

"The Blood, the Body, and the Building" -- Part 6 Dr. Edward L. Hall 02/06/2014 Watch Notes

The Book of Ephesians - Session 2 - Chapter 2

"The Blood, the Body, and the Building" -- Part 6 -- Ephesians 2:19


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